Dair House School

Independent school for boys and girls aged 3 - 11



Welcome to Dair House School a co-educational, independent prep school and nursery in Farnham Royal, South Buckinghamshire, for children from rising threes to eleven years old. A partnership school for the Buckinghamshire 11+, our pupils move onto a range of grammar, independent and upper schools. 

We pride ourselves in offering each pupil a unique education that gives pupils a wide variety of opportunities inside and outside the classroom, producing confident, independent pupils well prepared for the next steps in their journey.  

At Dair House we are courageous: encouraging pupils to be resilient; learn from their mistakes; and challenge themselves beyond their comfort zones.  

We are committed: promoting persistence and dedication in the classroom, on the sports field and through the Arts. Dedicated to both academic and personal progress we believe there is no ceiling on any child’s potential. 

We are caring: nurturing pupils to find their own strengths and strongly believing that pupils should learn to be respectful, courteous, kind and empathetic. Our school is a happy school with kindness at the heart of everything we do. 

In our last ISI inspection in November 2019, we were proud to be graded as excellent in both Pupils’ Personal Development and Pupils’ Academic Achievement 

Our warm, friendly school prides itself in individual care and attention and we warmly invite you to visit the school and experience why both our staff and pupils are proud to be part of the Dair House family.  


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