"Pupils of all ages develop strong self-awareness, self-confidence and resilience as they progress through the school"
(ISI Education Quality Inspection, November 2019)
Keys Stage 2
YEARS 3 – 6
Children in Key Stage 2 follow the same broad curriculum as those in Key Stage 1. We introduce Thinking Skills from Year 4 in which children’s learning skills are developed.
In Years 5 and 6, children are taught English, Mathematics, Science, French, PE/Games, Art, Music, RE, Design and Technology and Computing by separate teachers. History and Geography as separated into two subjects from Humanities.
As in Key Stage 1 we do not participate in the Key Stage SATs, this allows us the opportunity to maintain a very broad and challenging curriculum through which the children develop high academic standards.
We do continue the assessment model for Year 2.
Parents in Key Stage 2 receive written reports at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms. The Autumn report concentrates on English, Mathematics, Science and the class teacher’s report. In the Summer term, we report on progress made, and set targets, for all the subjects taught.
From Year 3 to Year 6 our children receive reading, spelling and times tables on a daily basis. We also introduce specific homework tasks and extended project work which may include weekend work.
As in Year 1 and 2, we aim to plan one educational visit per term for each class.
Additionally, Year 5 and 6 will experience residential visits to France and Devon, whilst Year 4 will enjoy an overnight residential stay at a nearby outdoor education centre.
Many of our Year 6 children take the Buckinghamshire and Slough 11+ exams. We also ensure that our Year 6 children can sit Common Entrance and other entrance exams to senior Independent Schools. We always encourage close liaison between parents and the Headmaster to ensure successful transfer to the next school.
The majority of pupils gain entrance to the school of their choice.